Meet Janet Tong
Janet Tong from Piedra Vista High School:
Hey y’all! My name is Janet Tong and I’m a student at Piedra Vista Highschool. I’m so excited to be part of the 2022-2023 UMATTR team! To start this off I’m gonna tell y’all a little bit about myself. First things first, I love volunteering and being involved in our community. I’m a big people person and love getting to meet new people. I’m also involved in a lot of clubs/ activities at my school. I play volleyball as a defensive specialist and I’m also in National Honor Society, Key Club, Scioly, PV Pals, and now UMATTR! Summer this year has gone by so fast! My summer was full of volleyball open gyms, weights, and team camps! When I wasn’t at volleyball, I spent my time hanging out with friends at the lake or at baseball games. We also went to Costa Vida and Ice Age a lot but that’s a year-round activity. Since it was my last summer as a high schooler that also meant I needed to start applying for colleges and scholarships. Let me just say… that was an experience for sure. I also took a few college classes this summer so I could have a reduced schedule for my senior year. Although I’m very sad summer is coming to an end, I can’t wait fall and winter to come around. The hot weather has gotten exhausting.
It’s senior season now and its going to be so fun! Volleyball season, Friday night lights, rivalry week, homecoming, and Pumpkins! I’m excited to see what the year has in store!