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Joannah Freeman Christmas Post

Merry Christmas from Joannah:

Hi Everyone!


The holidays are my favorite time of year, and my family has many traditions we love to do every year.


My family has always tried to take the focus of Christmas and let everything we do during the season reflect back on the biblical meaning of Christmas. One of the ways we do this actually has to do with our gifts. Each year my parents give me and each of my 3 sisters three gifts each. Each of these presents symbolizes one of the gifts given to Jesus by the wise men represented in the Bible. One gift represents gold and is a gift we want, the second represents frankincense and is a gift to further our faith, and the third represents myrrh and is something that we need. I love this tradition because it is just one way to remember the meaning of Christmas.


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a great holiday season!


Joannah Freeman


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